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October 6, 2008

False Alarm... Thank Goodness....

So today we went for the routine two week check-up with the baby doctor.... Which turned out to be anything but routine. Stephanie mentioned to the doctor that she had some pain on Thursday, but that it went away after a good nights sleep. As the doctor went through the things a "baby doctor" does, she immediately got worried look on her face, sat down, and started the next sentence with.... "Remember when we originally talked about twins and the high risk they present.... Well.... were there now!"   All this was due to Stephanie's cervix being "too soft". So the doctor immediately called Perinatology and got us in for a very quick ultrasound. Then we were off to Labor and Delivery, where Stephanie was admitted, quickly hooked up to all plethora of monitoring devices, and then closely watched for signs of labor. Six hours after our supposed "routine" visit, we were finally released from the hospital and allow to come home. Luckily everything checked out fine, but Stephanie is now walking a fine line. The doctor says if anything changes over the next few weeks, she will have to be admitted to the hospital. 

As it stands, Stephanie is now on in home bed rest! YOUZA! She can get up to goto the bathroom, warm-up some lunch and take a shower and that is about it. We go back to the doctor in a week to see if she has improved, or will have to continue on bed rest. James will now get to play both mom and dad! Hopefully, we can survive on "man meals", Mac and Cheese and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches until Stephanie has the babies! Which better not be for another 8 weeks!


Peter Lee Family said...

Wow, that is scary. Tell her to please take it easy, as hard as it is with two kids-I couldn't imagine being on bed rest with two kids-they would drive me insane. We wish we could be there to help. Keep posting about it so we can stay up to date.

skpblogger said...

Holy cow. Bed rest stinks!!! We will totally help you. Let me know anytime you need me to take your kids. I also want to bring in some meals. I'll get in touch!Shelly and Steve

Anonymous said...

Well I hope that you can keep them in a little longer. Enjoy your bed rest!

Shannon said...

Scary! Let me know if you need anything. I have been on bed rest before so I know how you feel it's NO FUN!!

Josh and Laurie said...

Oh how scary. I'm glad it turned out okay. Well, okay considering the alternatives. Hope everything goes better for ya.

Shawna said...

I'm totally bringing in meals too! I'll call you to see what day(s) work best for ya cause I know you'll get sick of mac n' cheese and pb&j! And I can have Abby come over to play with Dax during the days too.

Ashley said...

Ah!!! Wow, good luck guys. I hope that all goes well!!!

Pam said...

OK Stephanie and James,
I'm just doing my read up on you guys, WOW...puking kids, new ward, 2nd couns, now bed rest! All will be well with you! I can say been there and done that! You guys are well balanced people ha, serioulsy you are, but just alot on your plate. you will have to have Aunt Tara come and make some dinners for you guys help her skill get sharpend for when she gets married! I do wish you guys the best your in our prayers.

Christensen's said...

Oh my gosh!!! If anyone can do both jobs, it would be you James!! please let us know if we can do anything to help out!!

Jaimee said...

Hang in there Stephanie! I will call Monica and find out when I can bring you a meal. What else can I do? Please call me anytime.

**THE STOWELLS** said...


D'N K said...

Steph, please take it easy. I know easier said than done. I can't even imagine with two kids. You'll be in my prayers

Sarah said...

I just read the blog and am so worried for you guys. I am glad that the bed rest is working. You hang in there girl! Don't have those babies too early! Good luck to you both. Hope you survive the man meals!


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