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September 29, 2008

Our Ward is Split!!

I am really sad to say that our ward was split on Sunday.  The only changes to the Midland 1st Ward is:  it is now called CountryLane Ward and; my street was moved to a new ward.  I am so very sad!!  I have been in the ward now for 6 years, ever since it was formed.   I have made some really close friends, and it is really hard to get used to the idea that I won't see them each week.  I feel like I have really grown as a person since being in the ward and serving with the people in it.  I kind of feel like we are moving and I didn't get to say goodbye.   It is also hard because the ward we are moving into the only change was that our street was added, so, everyone knows each other but us.  James was also put in the bishopric as the 2nd counselor.  My first thought was....what in the world am I going to do on Sunday when the twins arrive, with a 4 year old, a 2 year old and brand new twins by myself, in a brand new ward, where I don't know hardly anyone?  But thankfully, before we could even ask, people have volunteered to help me.  I am so grateful to them.... they truly are answers to my prayers!  So we are in for quite a few changes in the next little bit.  James is worried about getting talks for Sunday, and having to ask people he doesn't know to accept callings.  I am worried about my kids.  All of Colby's friends in his primary class are gone now except one, and I am worried Abby will be nervous at nursery.  But I know that things will work out.  This is another opportunity to increase my friendships, and cultivate my own testimony.  But I am sure going to miss everyone in the Midland 1st Ward!!  We are going to have to stay in touch!!


Unknown said...

I already miss your family not being in the ward. The stake president must not have known that James was our home teacher, otherwise they never would have taken your family away :) James will be amazing in the bishopric, and just remember what I say to myself everyday - our father in heaven only gives us what he knows we can handle, otherwise I would have never had my precious son!

Peter Lee Family said...

Wow! Congrats on the new calling James. I am sure that things will be fine for you Stephanie-that is the nice thing about beings members of the church, there is always someone willing to help out.

Jen Gentry said...

I almost cried for you when I heard about James. I kept saying "poor Stephanie" you are lucky to have such great people and young women moving into the new ward with you to help out. We for sure need to stay in touch and let the boys play together. Justin was sad when I told him that Colby wouldn't be in his class anymore.

Shawna said...

I'm still forcing myself to stay in the denial stage about our split!! I don't want to accept it :( We are going to miss seeing you guys every Sunday SO much!!! You're like my primary entertainment! haha Congrat's to James and you have my sympathy! lol You'll do great and you have such a great personality you'll make friends instantly!! And I just have to keep reminding myself that your street hasn't moved away, we just won't see you guys every Sunday... sniffle, sniffle

Christensen's said...

OH MY GOSH!! Wow, what a lot of news to post about!! Wow, 2nd counselor!! That is going to be pretty stressful with 4 kids I do have to admit! I love your positive attitude! We need more people in the world like you!!

Josh and Laurie said...

Oh my gosh. I think I would cry too. But if anyone can do it, you can. It will definitely be an experience you will remember forever. That is so awesome though that he is 2nd counselor.


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